Book Review

Mission Economy by Mariana Mazzucato

I recently finished reading Mission Economy by Marianna Mazzucato, a great book urging governments to reconsider their role in capitalist societies by moving away from merely de-risking the supposed innovation of the private sector and instead leading economic, societal, and technological change.

The book explores the way the US government looked at itself at the time of the Apollo program when it decided that the whole of the United States, as a country, was on a mission to put a man on the moon. This set in motion a national agenda led by the government that resulted in countless innovations either created within the government itself or funded by the government as a direct response to the Apollo program: from GPS, camera phones, and laptops, to CAT scans, ear thermometers, and baby formula.

The relationship between the government and the private sector at that time had the government as the visionary of the future, with the private sector supporting the realisation of that bold and larger-than-life vision.

Contrast that with today, where it is common to perceive the government as an old, uninspired institution whose sole role is to create an environment for the private sector to come and innovate. In this role, the government must get out of the way and only intervene in the case of a market failure.

Book Review

Right Kind of Wrong by Amy Edmondson

We all know that it is important to have a culture of experimentation in order to be able to grow. and that we need to respect the courage it takes to attempt to do something new, even if that thing does not result in a successful outcome.

What I enjoyed about the Right Kind of Wrong by Amy Edmondson is that it creates a framework for classifying failures into basic failures, intelligent failures, and complex failures. Basic failures are those that result from inattention, neglect, overconfidence, and faulty assumption, and one should strive to reduce basic failures. Intelligent failures on the other hand are those that take place in a new territory, provide opportunities to advance towards a desired goal, are informed by available knowledge, and are small yet provide valuable insights. When these attributes are met, the failures can be just valuable as the successes in the experiments as they can provide critical known for one’s missions and objectives.

The book also explores complex failures that result from the operation of interconnected systems where failures in complex settings can be multicausal and have external factors. The book provides a framework for understanding such systems and provides recommendations on how to manage these failures by learning from previous complex failures, paying attention to early warnings, encouraging false alarms, and leveraging recovery windows.

The biggest takeaways for me were the ideas on how to create a culture that encourages reporting errors and failures without fear of repercussions, which is not easy to do in Omani culture.

Copyright patents trademarks

Saudi New Draft Intellectual Property Law

Saudi published last week a new draft Intellectual Property Law on its national public consultation portal. This is an interesting proposed piece of legislation that aims to improve the intellectual property framework in Saudi by addressing the relationship between intellectual property and artificial intelligence, addressing the issues relating to the creation of intellectual property in outer space by Saudi-funded space missions, and filling a number of existing gaps in Saudi intellectual property laws relating to ownership, licensing, and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

Data Protection

UAE Data Protection Law 45/2021

In case other people are also struggling to find the UAE Personal Data Protection Law 45/2021 (مرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم (٤٥) لسنة ٢٠٢١ بشأن حماية البيانات الشخصية) here is a direct link to download the PDF:

Data Protection

New Omani Data Protection Law

A very quick update to note the Omani Personal Data Protection Law was published in the Official Gazette this morning. Many of us have been waiting for this law to be issued for years and it is great to finally read it in full. You can view the full text of the law in Arabic on this link, and in English on this link.


UAE Copyright Law of 2021

The UAE issued late last year a new copyright law as part of its sweeping legal reform in celebration of its 50th national day. A quick glance over the new law might make it initially seem like a word for word reproduction of the previous UAE Copyright Law of 2002—and that is true to a great degree, but there are several significant specific changes in the new UAE Copyright Law of 2021 that are worth considering.

Right to Information

New(ish) Right to Information Policy in Saudi

The government of Saudi issued in May last year a national policy on the right to information, making Saudi the first country in the GCC to formally recognise the right to information as a legitimate right for members of the public. However, even though this is a transparency policy, the actual text of the policy was not available to the public in full until very recently. This post looks at the non-legally binding nature of this policy, its widely worded exceptions, and the lack of an external appeal process or any other mechanism for enforcing it. Notwithstanding its shortcomings, this policy remains a major milestone for the right to information in the GCC and may encourage other governments in the region to consider granting their citizens similar rights.

domain names

TRA Propsed Amendment to Domain Name Regulation

The TRA is currently seeking public comments on its proposed amendments to the Omani Domain Name Regulation. This proposed amendment intends to open up categories of domain names under the .om country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) that are currently restricted from registration. It also intends to open up the registration of .om domain names to natural and legal persons from around the world without requiring them to have any connection with the country. If the TRA goes ahead with its plan, the options for domain name registration available to Omani businesses will significantly reduce while putting the safety of internet users around the world at significant risk.


Privacy is Finally a Constitutional Right in Oman

Last month, the Sultan of Oman issued a brand new constitution that made the headlines for setting a new mechanism for the succession of power and for designating a crown prince. However, something that was overshadowed by these groundbreaking developments is the recognition of the right to private life in Article 36 of this new constitution – a right that was not previously recognised in such a manner in Oman.

Open Data

Oman’s New Open Data Policy

The Ministry of Technology and Communications has very recently issued a circular announcing the release of the government’s new Open Data Policy. This policy sets the general framework that government entities must follow when releasing their data to the public in a way that should maximise the ability of businesses, journalists, members of the public, and other government entities to benefit from government data.